Could a behaviour change intervention be used to address under-recognition of work-related asthma in primary care? A systematic review
Walters, Gareth IestynFoley, Harriet
Huntley, Christopher Charles
Naveed, Anadil
Nettleton, Kimberley
Reilly, Christopher
Thomas, Maximillian
Walker, Claire
Wheeler, Kyrie
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We included 14 studies from n=768 retrieved citations, comprising 3 randomised control trials, 1 uncontrolled experimental study, and 10 studies employing recognized multi-step BC methodologies. None of the studies were concerned with identification of asthma. BCIs had been developed for facilitating screening programmes (5), implementing guidelines (3) and individual case finding (6). Five studies measured effectiveness, in terms of screening adherence rates, pre-/post-intervention competency, satisfaction and usability, for clinicians, though none measured diagnostic rates.Citation
Walters GI, Foley H, Huntley CC, Naveed A, Nettleton K, Reilly C, Thomas M, Walker C, Wheeler K. Could a behaviour change intervention be used to address under-recognition of work-related asthma in primary care? A systematic review. BJGP Open. 2024 Nov 21:BJGPO.2024.0094. doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2024.0094. Epub ahead of print.Type
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